Randumb Thoughts
FROM JOAN RIVERS: "If it were up to me, former football coach Jerry Sandusky would be going straight from Penn State to the State Penn" . . . Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping has apologized for telling listeners the world would end in the Rapture, first on May 21st, then Oct. 21st. Camping said he was getting out of the prediction business and retiring. He better hurry, because you never know when --- oh, never mind . . . Look who's gotten a bump in the polls since Herman Cain's problems: Newt Gingrich! This guy is so toxic, his baggage comes with baggage . . . I mean, really : A 747 has less baggage! . . . Reaction to my so-called efforts here is pouring in, and it runs the gamut: "Obvious, jejune and unsophisticated"; "Mr. Schneider's muse is unfettered by such inhibiting factors as basic manners and good taste"; "mostly stolen and depressingly mundane", and "apparently knows the correct position of letters and numbers on the keyboard." Obviously I'm very encouraged . . . If you really do like my work, please send me a donation made out to the California Association for the Severely Handicapped. Feel free to abbreviate, making the check to C.A.S.H . . . Did you know that on the opening day of the baseball season, half the teams that play lose? Not trying to bum you out, just reporting . . . Remember this old song? "You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss". Should we update this to " a tweet is just a tweet'? . . . Oops! Do- gooding British police busted open a car window to release what they thought was a baby trapped inside. Turned out it was a very realistic-looking doll.
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POLI-TICKLE: This time we start by focusing on President Lyndon Johnson, a man not noted for his sense of humor. But this column does it's homework! We begin with his 1948 senate campaign. This campaign earned Johnson the moniker "Landslide Lyndon". He won by about 1,000 votes. There is an argument that he was elected by a lot of dead people. Somewhat in desperation, Johnson told his press aide to put out a story saying his opponent slept with his pigs. "Mr. Johnson", said the aide. "You know that isn't true. How can we possibly say that?". Johnson reportedly replied: "Hell, I don't care if it's true. I just want to watch him deny it!" . . . When he was President, a leader from a small third-world country came for a state visit. "Oh, Mr. President," the leader said. "I have so much respect and admiration for you; coming from your poor background and being born in a log cabin." "Son, said the President, "you have me confused with Abraham Lincoln. I was born in a manger" . . . After leaving the presidency, he supervised the construction of the Johnson library. He came across the workers preparing his mausoleum. "Now don't dig too deep, boys," admonished the Prez. "I only plan to be down there three days" . . . Other Presidents, other things: I've mentioned before President "Silent Cal" Coolidge. Reporters met him one Sunday. "Been to church, Mr. President?" "Yep." "Did you enjoy the sermon?" "Yep." "What did the preacher talk about?" "Sin". Ánd what did he say?" "He's against it."
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THERE WAS an old lady from Wooster
Who was often annoyed by a rooster,
She cut off his head
Until he was dead
And now he can't crow like he uster."-Author unknown.
HEY, NOBODY PUT a gun to your head and forced you to read this. But watch out, because if that'll get me more readers . . . Kid comes home from school one day. His mom asks what his teacher had to say about his poor grades. "Should I leave out the swear words?" inquire the kid, "Of course.", says mom. Retorts the kid: "he didn't say a thing" . . . Speaking of reader(s), I want to assure all of you that the incident between myself, the cattle truck, the Christian Science Reading Room and the youth organization has been peacefully settled. Also the cannibalism problem is relatively under control . . . Flipping thru the TV magazine, I note there is a channel for Golf. What is this, a station for drunks? Don't get me wrong, golf is good exercise, being outdoors and all that. But whoinevvin's name would want to WATCH it? What's next, the fishing channel? . . . How come he never tells any feelgood stories? Okay --- Victor Giesbrecht, 61, stopped on a Wisconsin highway to help a stranger, Sara Berg, change a tire. After he drove off, Giesbrecht suffered a heart attack; Berg then stopped her car and saved his life by performing CPR. Aww.
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Fellow in Indonesia is in prison for stealing $250,000 in lottery tickets. You might say he's in a lottery trouble( Okay, quit shoving. I was leaving anyway).